Pictorial Asthma Medication Plan

Page 1: Patient Details

Please enter the patient details.
What is the name of your patient?
What is the gender of your patient?
What is the general age of your patient?
What is the ethnicity of your patient?
Who is completing the plan? (name of health professional)
Where is the plan being completed (practice name/location)
Which phone number should they call for advice?
How long is this plan valid for?

If you use these resources, we would love to hear from you, email us on feedback@saferx.co.nz

Click here to read an evaluation about the PAMP in the NZ Medical Journal:

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Disclaimer: This information is provided to assist health professionals with the use of prescribed medicines. Users of this information must always consider current best practice and use their clinical judgement with each patient. This information is not a substitute for individual clinical decision making.
Contact us: Quality Use of Medicines Team at Waitemata District Health Board, New Zealand; email: feedback@saferx.co.nz

© 2016 Waitemata District Health Board